Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 1: Dearest Public Diary,

'Tis the season to be jolly! Freedom has expanded in all directions, and I plan to throw the books out the dump this holiday(figuratively speaking, of course). After the school bell rang signifying the end of our examination, an airy feeling elevated me to a joyful ambiance! days are finally temporarily over for 2 weeks. For some reason, I can't believe the beginning of unrestrained days has come. I mean, I can still recall those weeks of wishful thinking that school days would soon give up on trying to murder me with all those deadlines. I swear I was about to SCREAM! But with a little patience and discipline (not to kill myself), I was able to prove that stormy days can be overcome, and it seemed so fast as if it all ended in just a snap. Anyways, let me hand out a few details that you basically need to know about who I am: My name is J.J. (or rather my public name is J.J.). I am below 17 years old and a Junior. If I describe myself in 3 words, then I'd have to say difficult to understand. And yes, prepositions are words. Frankly, even I'm having a difficult time unlocking my true self. But I bet everyone has gone through that kind of phase. It's as if one day you're kind and perky. Then the next day, you become Regina George from Mean Girls. Managing this kind of "personality-swing" is as difficult as it sounds. But still, it's one of those things in life that you can't change and something you must face.

Moving on, what my family and I did today was throw this party for orphans. Nothing big. Just a simple, happy kind of party. Okay, to be concrete, it's similar to a children's party. The host. The games. The magician. And of course, the giveaways. And golly did I eat a lot today! Ugh, I should try shedding off some pounds. I'm planning on being 105lbs. at this height of 5'3. If you think that's short, then you must be not Asian because in my country, that's considered average. Well, I'm out of words for the day. But I assure you that you'll be reading longer journals during school days since I write a lot when I'm depressed. So, ta ta for now. ;)

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